Why do you need an IEP Consultant?

An IEP Consultant can help you navigate the special education system that can often times be confusing and overwhelming for you as the parent!

  • New to the world of IEP's or still feeling lost in your child's IEP?
    I can explain what you need to know, what all those forms and paperwork mean, ensure your child receives all services he/she qualifies for, what you and your child are entitled to, and what to ask for, to maximize this crucial time to help your child!
  • Not happy with your child's placement?
    I can help you get the appropriate placement to meet your child's needs in the least restrictive way!
  • Concerned about behaviors your child is having in school and how the school is responding?
    I can guide you through the process for securing an appropriate behavior plan with your school district.
  • Too overwhelmed at all the information, paperwork, and jargon used at your child's IEP meeting?
    I can translate that jargon in "Layman's terms", answer your questions, and explain what your child is actually receiving (or should be receiving) based on the paperwork, data and your child's needs. I can advise you the important questions to ask at the meeting, and clarify the rights and role you have as a parent in those meetings.
  • Too tired to deal with the stress & emotions that often come with advocating for your child?
    As a parent, you play many roles, especially in the IEP meeting. It can also be a very emotional time when speaking about your own child, making it difficult to effectively get your point across. I can handle the stress for you, get you organized, and attend the meeting with you to take some of that burden off of you, serving as an emotionally removed participant. I can take detailed notes, follow up to ensure these details are properly documented in the finalized paperwork as discussed in the meeting, making sure they didn't forget anything, ask the difficult questions for you, and use effective negotiation strategies to get your concerns addressed based on your child's unique needs. This allows you to focus on what is most important... your child!
  • Don't agree with the school's recommendations for your child?
    A parent's case can be stronger when informal methods of conflict resolution with the school have been attempted first. This can help save a family from the costly expenses and frustration that often come with more formal methods of conflict resolution (i.e.: mediation and due process hearings).

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